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EPFO Stenographer Syllabus 2023 Download @ EPF India Stenographer Syllabus and Exam Pattern has been searched by the candidates for their exam preparation. To save the candidate time, EPFO with Recruitmentindia announced EPFO Steno Syllabus 2023. Contenders must fastly prepare the topics of the EPFO Stenographer Syllabus 2023 to give a power-packed performance in the exam. Simply, the Online Exam marks will be considered in the selection of candidates for the available openings. So, it is advised for the candidates to prepare Syllabus by following the EPFO Steno Group C Exam Pattern 2023.

As there will be negative markings in the exam, candidates are advised to answer only known questions. If the candidates have good knowledge of EPFO Steno Syllabus 2023, they automatically answer the questions. The exam is objective type. So, candidates easily answer the questions. For easier preparation, add question papers practising for the test. Previous papers make the candidate preparation and time management very easy and all can finish the exam within the given time duration. Qualifying in the Skill test in stenography is mandatory. But, skill test marks will not be considered for the selection.

EPFO Stenographer Phase 1 Admit Card Released !
Latest Update (31.07.2023):- EPFO Stenographer Phase 1 Admit Card was released and the exam will be held on 01st August 2023. So download it from the below-given links.

Download EPFO Stenographer Phase 1 Admit Card: Click Here

EPFO Stenographer Syllabus 2023 Details

Department Name Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
Name Of The Posts Stenographer (Group C) Posts
Number Of Posts 185 Posts
Category Govt Exams Syllabus
Selection Test Online Exam and Skill Test in Stenography
Qualification 12th Pass
Official Website

EPFO Stenographer Syllabus

EPFO Steno Syllabus 2023

The EPFO Steno exam is highly competitive and requires candidates to have a thorough understanding of the EPFO Steno Recruitment Syllabus 2023. This article will discuss the EPFO Stenographer Syllabus 2023 in detail. The EPFO stenographer exam consists of three sections, namely in the EPFO Steno Exam Pattern below. The EPFO stenographer exam will be conducted online and consists of objective-type multiple-choice questions. The EPFO stenographer Syllabus 2023 covers a wide range of topics on the subjects mentioned below. If the candidates do not have a thorough understanding of the EPFO Stenographer Syllabus and have not practiced regularly for the exam they may fail the exam.

Candidates can refer to various study materials, including online resources, books, and EPFO Steno’s previous year’s question papers, to prepare for the exam. With proper preparation and hard work, candidates can crack the EPFO stenographer exam and secure their dream job. One should replace in which subjects they are weak and in which subjects they are strong. Give more time for the subjects to get improved and later on the remaining subjects of EPFO Stenographer Syllabus 2023 add mock tests preparation for better preparation.

EPFO Stenographer Exam Pattern 2023

Phase 1

Serial Number Name Of The Test (Objective Type) Questions Marks Duration
1 General Aptitude 50 200 2 Hours 30 Minutes
2 General Awareness
[includes Computer Awareness]
50 200
3 English Language and Comprehension 100 400
Total 200 800
  1. A total of 200 questions were asked in the exam and the total marks on the test were 800.
  2. The question paper will be of Objective Type Multiple Choice only. The questions will be set both in
    English and Hindi except for part III i.e. English Language and Comprehension.
  3. The marks obtained in Phase 1 will be considered for final selection on merit.
  4. The duration of the test is 150 minutes.
  5. For each wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of one-fourth of the mark assigned to that
  6. The candidates will be shortlisted for Phase II in the ratio of 1:10 i.e. about 10 times the number of
    vacancies in each category based on their performance in Phase-I.

Skill Test in Stenography: 

Dictation: Ten minutes at the rate of eighty words per minute. (Dictation will be computer-based)

Transcription: Fifty minutes (English) / Sixty-five minutes (Hindi). (Only on the computer). Skill Test in Stenography will be qualifying in nature. Marks obtained will not be reckoned for merit ranking.

EPFO Stenographer Syllabus – Topic Wise

General Aptitude

  1. Semantic Classification
  2. Venn Diagrams
  3. Symbolic/Number Classification
  4. Drawing Inferences
  5. Semantic Analogy
  6. Symbolic Operations
  7. Symbolic/Number Analogy
  8. Trends
  9. Figural Analogy
  10. Space Orientation
  11. Figural Classification
  12. Punched Hole/Pattern Folding & Unfolding
  13. Semantic Series
  14. Figural Pattern-Folding and Completion
  15. Number Series
  16. Embedded Figures
  17. Figural Series
  18. Critical Thinking
  19. Problem-Solving
  20. Emotional Intelligence
  21. Word Building
  22. Social Intelligence
  23. Coding and Decoding
  24. Numerical Operations

Practice Reasoning Mock Test Questions

General Knowledge/ Awareness

  1. Indian History
  2. Indian Geography
  3. Economics
  4. General Science
  5. Environment and its application to the society
  6. Current events relating to India and its neighboring 23 countries, especially about Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene
  7. General Polity including Indian Constitution
  8. Scientific Research

Practice GK Mock Test Questions

English with Comprehension

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Fillers (Double fillers, Multiple Sentence Fillers, Sentence Fillers)
  3. Cloze Test
  4. Phrase Replacement
  5. Odd Sentence
  6. Para Jumbles
  7. Inference
  8. Sentence Completion
  9. Connectors
  10. Paragraph Conclusion
  11. Phrasal Verb-Related Questions
  12. Error Detection Questions
  13. Word usage
  14. Vocab Based Questions

Practice English Questions

Computer Literacy

  1. Computer Basics
  2. Organization of a computer
  3. PORTs
  4. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  5. Input/output devices
  6. Memory organization
  7. Computer memory
  8. Keyboard shortcuts
  9. Back-up devices
  10. Windows Explorer
  11. MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access)
  12. Internet and e-mails knowledge
  13. Web Browsing & Searching
  14. Managing an E-mail Account
  15. e-Banking
  16. Basics of networking and cyber security
  17. Networking devices and protocols
  18. Network and information security threats (like hacking, virus, worms, Trojans,s, etc.) and preventive measures

Note:- We have specified the unofficial EPFO Stenographer Syllabus for the candidate’s reference and preparation. Soon we will upload the official EPFO Stenographer Recruitment 2023 Syllabus if released by EPFO authorities.

Useful Links

EPFO Stenographer Syllabus 2023 Download

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