aaj babua bhaye kotwal

aaj babua bhaye kotwal lyrics

Poster aaj babua bhaye kotwal

aaj babua bhaye kotwal

lyrics/Album : Mahaadev
Singer Mohammed Aziz & S. Janaki
Genre Dance
Language Hindi
Album Mahaadev
Poster aaj babua bhaye kotwal

aaj babua bhaye kotwal

aaj babua bhaye kotwal

ab darr kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka

darr kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka

nache gaye nache gaye

nache gaye machaye dhamal

nache gaye machaye

dhamal ab dar kahe ka

ab dar kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka

darr kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka

janam janam ka sath hai apna

ek hai manjil ek hai sapna

janam janam ka sath hai apna

ek hai manjil ek hai sapna

ek hai manjil ek hai sapna

hamsafar mil gaye bemisal

hamsafar mil gaye bemisal

ab darr kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka

darr kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka

sach ko koi aanch nahi hai

faisla sabka hona wahi hai

faisla sabka hona wahi hai

sach ko koi aanch nahi hai

faisla sabka hona wahi hai

faisla sabka hona wahi hai

mahadev aa

mahadev rakhega khyal

mahadev rakhega khyal

aaj babua bhaye kotwal

aaj babua bhaye kotwal

ab darr kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka

darr kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka

darr kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka

darr kahe ka, ab darr kahe ka.

Images Credit: YouTube
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