baadal jo barse to

baadal jo barse to lyrics

Poster baadal jo barse to

baadal jo barse to

lyrics/Album : Gardish
Singer Asha Bhosle
Genre Romantic
Language Hindi
Album Gardish
Poster baadal jo barse to

badal jo barse toh bhige

tum ho bhige hum

badal jo barse toh bhige

tum ho bhige hum

badal jo barse toh bhige

tum ho bhige hum

tap tip tap tip bund padhi

hai bundo ki sargam

oh badal jo barse toh

bhige tum ho bhige hum

tap tip tap tip bund

padhi hai bundo ki sargam

oh badal jo barse toh

bhige tum ho bhige hum

phool kaliya bhige bhige

raste galiya bhige bhige

phool kaliya bhige bhige

raste galiya bhige bhige

barish ne do dale hai

duniya ke sare gum

badal jo barse toh bhige

tum ho bhige hum

tandi tandi gili gili

ye hawaye hai nashili

tandi tandi gili gili

ye hawaye hai nashili

aag laga de jo paani

me aisa hai mausam

badal jo barse toh

bhige tum ho bhige hum

badal jo ho oo barse toh ho oo

bhige tum ho bhige hum

tap tip tap tip bund

padhi hai hu hu hu.

Images Credit: YouTube
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