chaah bhanwar trishna

chaah bhanwar trishna lyrics

Poster chaah bhanwar trishna

chaah bhanwar trishna

lyrics/Album : Sarkar Raj
Singer Sunayana Sarkar Dasgupta
Genre Sad
Language Hindi
Album Sarkar Raj
Poster chaah bhanwar trishna

chaah bhanwar trishna

neend aaye na

sunya hai samvedana

yeh yantrana

neend aaye na

dhul ban ud jaaye

aur disha na paye

chaah bhanwar trishna

neend aaye na

parshan ban hota khada

kaal ko vyavhar

krodh kam pad jaaye

mukti na mil paye

chaah bhanwar trishna

neend aaye na

mann ho shankit sochta

hai kahan aadhar

santhulan kho jaaye

bhaur bikharta jaaye

chaah bhanwar trishna

neend aaye na.

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