charo khane chit

charo khane chit lyrics

Poster charo khane chit

charo khane chit

lyrics/Album : Prassthanam
Singer Sukhwinder Singh
Genre Motivational
Language Hindi
Album Prassthanam
Poster charo khane chit

dhol ko khhadka

bhid ko bhadka

utar sharam ki mala

jit ka jashan

ho mast magan

ho raste ki dhul udala .......(2x)

arre maar marenge

paar karenge

sabko ham kerte

charo khane chit

charo khane chit

mastano ki toli aai

sar pe safa bandhe

arre kamar ko kaslo

hath kalsh lo

raaj tilak h mathe ....(2x)

hurr hatt

maidan me datt

jigra folad ka

hath me lath..... (2x)

arre jai jai kara

he lalkara

abto ham kerte

charo khane chitt

raaj yog h

ker taiyari

dam kham pura

baat h bhari

rakt kholega

takht milega

arre bohot hua h

ab apni baari

apni baari

sabpe bhari

gaddi apni

ho serkari

mithi boli

rup dharaye h

bachna unki

bagal me yari

hurr hatt

lade ek se dus

vijay bhav na ho

tas se mas .......(2x)

jai jai kara

he lal kara

abto ham kerte

charo khane chit

ayee hatt

aye hatt....

charo khane chitt....

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