chhota sa saajan

chhota sa saajan lyrics

Poster chhota sa saajan

chhota sa saajan

lyrics/Album : Vivah
Singer Suresh Wadkar
Genre Emotional
Language Hindi
Album Vivah
Poster chhota sa saajan

chhota sa saa saajan nanhisi dulhan

doli saji hui dwaar khadi hai

doli saji hui dwaar khadi hai

jis ka vivaah rachaya jaaye

beti kahaa abhi itani badi hai

beti kahaa abhi itani badi hai

aaj hi le jaayegaa widaa kar

aaj hi le jaayegaa widaa kar

dulhe ne ye jeed pakadi hai

beti puchhe babul se are

bhejane ki kya jaldi padi hai

beti puchhe babul se are

bhejane ki kya jaldi padi hai.

Images Credit: YouTube
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