chhuna hai aasman ko

chhuna hai aasman ko lyrics

Poster chhuna hai aasman ko

chhuna hai aasman ko

lyrics/Album : Aryan: Unbreakable
Singer Ranjit Barot & Bianca Gomes
Genre Motivational
Language Hindi
Album Aryan: Unbreakable
Poster chhuna hai aasman ko

chuna hai aasman ko dikhana hai is jaha ko

mudke na takna piche na hatna

manjil ka pake rahenge jhuka ke

tewar hai ab juda se chuna hai aasman ko

dikhana hai is jaha ko

mudke na takna piche na hatna

manjil ka pake rahenge jhuka ke

tewar hai ab juda se

dil nahi hai dil hi hai aapke bin bas me

aapke waste hi taraste hai rashte

gul hum ek aashiyan ke chuna hai aasman ko

dikhana hai is jaha ko

mudke na takna piche na hatna

manjil ka pake rahenge jhuka ke

tewar hai ab juda se

chuna hai aasman ko dikhana hai is jaha ko

mudke na takna piche na hatna

manjil ka pake rahenge jhuka ke

tewar hai ab juda se

Images Credit: YouTube
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