come closer

come closer lyrics

Poster come closer

come closer

lyrics/Album : Kasam Paida Karne Wale Ki
Singer Salma Agha
Genre Romantic
Language Hindi
Album Kasam Paida Karne Wale Ki
Poster come closer

come closer come closer

aa paas aa

dil mein hai kya ye bata

come closer come closer

aa paas aa

dil mein hai kya ye bata

come closer come closer

dil ki lagi yun bhi

kabhi leti hai ye imtihan

mana jise maine sanam

wo mera dil wo meri ja

wo mera dil wo meri ja

come closer come closer

aa paas aa

dil mein hai kya ye bata

come closer come closer


kuch hosh na baki rahe

bhule tujhe do jaha

dil mein hai jo wo raz bhi

kahde ye dil bejuba

kahde ye dil bejuba

come closer come closer

aa paas aa

dil mein hai kya ye bata

come closer come closer.

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