
heera lyrics

Singer Shweta Pandit
Genre Sad
Language Hindi
Album Highway
Poster heera

heera soye saraahiye

sahi khanan ki chot

heera soye saraahiye

sahi khanan ki chot

kapat ko range manwa o

parkhat nikra khot

heera soye saraahiye

sahi khanan ki chot

heera soye saraahiye

sahi khanan ki chot

kapat ko range manwa

haa parkhat nikra khot

o heera toah na kholiye

jahaan kunjadon ki dhaay

sahaj gaanthi maari

ke lage apni baat

heera soye saraahiye

sahi khanan ki chot

heera soye saraahiye

sahi khanan ki chot

kapat ko range manwa

parkhat nikra khot

ho heera para bajaar mein

raha chha lapaka

kehet hain woh

rakhta jee mohe

koi pa rakh liya uthaaye

heera sohe saraahiye

sahi khanan ki chot

heera sohe saraahiye

sahi khanan ki chot

kapat ko range manwa o

parkhat nikra khot.

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