jave saari duniya

jave saari duniya lyrics

Poster jave saari duniya

jave saari duniya

lyrics/Album : Shortcut Romeo
Singer Mika Singh
Genre Dance
Language Hindi
Album Shortcut Romeo
Poster jave saari duniya

jhoom barabar jhoom barabar jhoomta ja re

zindagi mast hai tu mauj mana re (repeat once)

jave saari duniya bhaad mein jave.. ye..

oo.. oo.. oo.. oo..

bum phoot jaaye ghar lut jaaye

chaahe kudi roothe roothe

gham aaye gham jaaye

dil chaahe toote toote

koi mil jaaye

koi yaad aaye

chaahe jaan jaaye

jave saari duniya bhaad mein jave.. ye..

oo.. oo.. oo.. oo..


jaago jaago jaago party karwao

subah subah ghar jaao

yahaan jaao

wahaan jaao

bas jashn manao

joh bhi dekhe jale

bas nahin chale

jale chahe bhale..

jave saari duniya bhaad mein jave.. ye..

oo.. oo.. oo.. oo..

jhoom barabar jhoom barabar jhoomta ja re

zindagi mast hai tu mauj mana re (repeat once)

jave saari duniya bhaad mein jave.. ye..

oo.. oo.. oo.. oo..

Images Credit: YouTube
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