place to start lyrics – mike shinoda

place to start lyrics – mike shinoda lyrics

Poster place to start lyrics – mike shinoda

place to start lyrics – mike shinoda

lyrics/Album : Post Traumatic
Singer Mike Shinoda
Genre Alternative/indie P
Language English
Album Post Traumatic
Poster place to start lyrics – mike shinoda

i don’t have a leg to stand on
spinning like a whirlwind nothing to land on
came so far never thought it’d be done now
stuck in a holding pattern waiting to come down

did somebody else define me
can i put the past behind me
do i even have a decision
feeling like i’m living in a story already written
am i part of a vision made by somebody else
pointing fingers at villains but i’m the villain myself
or am i out of conviction with no wind in the sail
too focused on the end and simply ready to fail

‘cause i’m tired of the fear that i can’t control this
i’m tired of feeling like every next step’s hopeless
i’m tired of being scared what i build might break apart
i don’t want to know the end all i want is a place to start
oh oh

i don’t want to know the end all i want is a place to start
oh oh

hey mike uh just calling to uh you know send my condolences
hey man it’s mark just calling to check in on you see how you’re doing
what up mike just calling to see how you’re doing check in with you a little bit
wanna obviously send my love and support and um just let you know i’m here for you

i know you’re super busy didn’t wanna bother you
um just wanted to let you know i’m thinking about you
give me a call back if you want if not i guess that too
um but i’m sure i will see you and or talk to you sometime soon
alright bud hope you’re hanging in there see ya…

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