sawar gayi

sawar gayi lyrics

Singer Shreya Ghoshal
Genre Love
Language Hindi
Album Saawariya
Poster sawar gayi


sawar sawar sawar gayi mein, saawariyaa

kab se khadi mein turi aatariya

kab se khadi mein turi aatariya

beeth na jaye oh rama, saari umariya

ohhooo sawar sawar gayi mein

sawar gaye chand sitare, dehko

sawar gaye saari nazare, dehko

dehko gaggan pe, banke badariya..ohhoo

chamki teri yaadon ki bejuriya..aaaa…

tan ko jalaye thandi baariya

tan ko jalaye thandi baariya

beeth na jaye oh rama, saari umariya

ohhoo sawar sawar gayi mein, saawariya

sawar sawar sawar gayi mein

sawar sawar sawar gayi mein

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