sun saathiya

sun saathiya lyrics

Singer Priya Saraiya & Divya Kumar
Genre Love
Language Hindi
Album Abcd 2
Poster sun saathiya

sun saathiya maahiya

barsa de ishqa di, syahiyaan

rang jaun rang rang jaun re

haari main

tujh pe main jhar jhar jhar jaon


hoon piya bas teri, main

ho chhule toh khari mein

toh khari main khari main khari main

sun saathiya maahiya

barsa de ishqa di syahiyaan

main ret si boond ka zariya

tu paa ke tujhe bheeg jaun re..(2x)

thar jaun thar thar jaaun dariya

yeh thar jaun je

ishq ye paake main tera

nikhar jaun ri

piya bas teri main

ho chhule toh khari mein

toh khari main, khari main

sun saathiya maahiya..

barsa de ishqa di syahiyaan

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