
tanhai lyrics

Singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Genre Sad
Language Hindi
Album Dillagi
Poster tanhai

aa aa aa

saayaa bhi saath

jab chhod jaae aisi hai tanhai

ronaa chaahu to

aansu na aae aisi hai tanhai

saayaa bhi saath

jo aise chhod ke mahabub jaae

to jine se na kyu dil ub jaae

saayaa bhi saath

paayaa hamane ye bin tere

raj ki raahe aur gam ke adhere

woh bhi to hamase

kho gae haay aisi hai tanhai

saayaa bhi saath

yaad aate hai bite zamaane

jab tum aae the hamako manaane

ab to dil ruthe dard

manaae aisi hai tanhai

saayaa bhi saath.

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