warning lyrics – himmat sandhu

warning lyrics – himmat sandhu lyrics

Poster warning lyrics – himmat sandhu

warning lyrics – himmat sandhu

lyrics/Album : Warning
Singer Himmat Sandhu
Language Punjabi
Album Warning
Poster warning lyrics – himmat sandhu

oh dharti utton daana paani muka hi dinde ne
gaadar bande gall na karde time bann-ne di

jidi raga ch ubaale khoon maar da
oh banda baahla ni vichar da
jinu chaska hove vai taad taad da
oh ho lohe diyan chhaatiyan vi paarh da

hunde ne pahaad jide haunsle
oh taan vagdeya paaniyan nu rok dinde aa

jehde bande banda khadkaun jaande
warning aa dinde naiyo thok dinde aa
jehde bande banda khadkaun jaande
warning’aa dinde naiyo thok dinde aa

jehda banda rakhda ae dab 30 bore da
oh banda phone utte k***ya ni bolda
on the spot veere hunde saare faisle
kaam kadon laina kinde jigre di lor da

aunde jadon jatt kade aayi de
hawa wichon jhoke veere jhok dinde aa

jehde bande banda khadkaun jaande
warning’aa dinde naiyo thok dinde aa
jehde bande banda khadkaun jaande
warning’aa dinde naiyo thok dinde aa

Images Credit: YouTube
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