tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan

tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan lyrics

Poster tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan

tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan

lyrics/Album : Bahu Ki Awaaz
Singer K. J. Yesudas
Genre Love
Language Hindi
Album Bahu Ki Awaaz
Poster tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan

tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan

tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan

ye hum samjh na paye

pap kare hum kitne bhi

phir bhi tu pas bulaye

tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan

tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan

sadiyo se tu badle chole

har naye roop mein tu samjhaye

sadiyo se tu badle chole

har naye roop mein tu samjhaye

par hum samjhe

roop na tera roop na tera

roop na tera

par hum samjhe roop na tera

naye naye dharm banaye

kahte to hain tujhko widhata

kahte to hain tujhko widhata

par vidhi apni chalaye

pap kare hum kitne bhi

phir bhi tu paas bulaye

tu ho kitne bhole bhagwan


thekedar tere bane hai kitne

sab unchi boli lagwate

apne hi matlab ki khatir

pathar mein tujhko bikwate

pyar to tera samjhe nahin hum

pyar to tera samjhe nahin hum

pooja hi kar paye

pap kare hum kitne bhi

phir bhi tu paas bulaye

tu ho kitne bhole bhagwan

ye hum samjh na paye

pap kare hum kitne bhi

phir bhi tu pas bulaye

tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan

tum ho kitne bhole bhagwan.

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